my heading

Who is the Council made up of?

The council is made up the top three Ranks. The Ranks for the council are Leader, Co-leader, and Chief Generals. That order is form highest to lowest and is the same way for regular ranking.

These members of the Council have been in the clan since the begining of it. If it wasn't for these members the clan wouldn't have role models.Without these members there wouldn't the clan wouldn't be the same.

Come check them out...the members are waiting for you.

Council Meetings

The council has meetings once a month. Only in a case will the council meet more than once. Council meeting are for council members to talk about whats been going on in the clan.

In the case of a problem, the council will meet and talk about it. If the council votes to have a trail, we will request everyone that was involved in it to manditory attend. If they refused to attend, their actions will taken into place.

At a meeting only three council members are required to attend. if a council member is involved they have to attend as a regular member and not with the council to the trail. That council member is also not allowed to attend the council meeting.

Council Trails

A trail happens when a case against another member happens. At the trial the council decides what punishment is given out. A trail in the clan is to be taken seriously.