my heading


The Leader is for the member is the one who started the clan. The Leader in this spot mostly keeps the clan at peace and deals with half of the problems. That person is the first one of the council members.


The Co-Leader is for the member that's been in the clan since after the Leader. The Co-Leader in this spot helps keep the clan at peace. That person is the second one of the council members.

Chief Generals

The Chief Generals is for the two members that join the clan after the Co-leader. The Chief Generals in this spot reports problems in the clan when the Leader ot Co-Leader is dealing with something else. The two people in this rank are also one of the council members.


The Generals are the members who been placed after proven they deserved that spot. Most of the recruited members after a month get put into this rank.


The Sargents are the new recuited members. They have very little knowledge about the clan and will in time develop it. As soon as they proved that they deserve to rank up, the council will decide the new rank.


The Younglings are the youngest members of the clan. They are family to other rank members. Even though the younglings understand what the clan is and is about they still have a lot to develop and taken on in their futures.