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15 year-old Younghollow is a girl with passion and can be fierce. Her real name is Alyandra Ramos. Younghollow a.k.a Aly is leader of the clan and the first clan council member.


15 year-old, Dawnland is a energic girl. Dawnland also known from her real name Ciara Valencia. Ciara a.k.a Cici is the Co-Leader because she was the second member and the most help member when the clan fist started. Ciara is the secong member to be chosen to be part of the council.


18 year-old, Merryhollow is a boy who can be a little stubborn at times. Merryhallows real name is Hector Rosario. Hector is one of the Chief Generals and the third council member for the clan.


17 year-old, Ashscar is the boy who is a fighter in the clan. Ashscar real name is Gerald Perona. Gerald aka Gerry is the other Chief General in the clan. He is the last council member to be chosen.


15 year-old Ashstairs is like the funny guy in the clan. Ashstairs real name is Gabriel Maldonado a.k.a Gabe. Ashstairs is a general in the clan and one of the future council members.


16 year-old Bluestairs is like the girl who could careless about stuff. Bluestairs is known by her real name Jessica McDomett Williams. Jessica a.k.a Jess is the second General in the clan and the other future council member.


15 year-old, Battlewood is the sleepiest guy in the clan. Battlewood real name is Michael Greenlaw. Michael is a Sargent in the clan and never knows what everyone is talking about.


14 year-old, Dawnrail is a very quiet girl. Dawnrail know from her real name Ceara Walley. She is the one of the other Sargents in the clan and is always listening quietly to what is going on in the clan.


16 year-old, Youngwood is a forgetful girl. Youngwood is known by her real name Angel Greenblatt. Angel is one of the others Sargents in the clan and is basically unsepratable from clan member Alison.


15 year-old, Youngfleur is also a forgetful girl. Youngfleur is known by her real name Alison Lombardi. Alison is one of the other Sargents in the clan and is also basically unsepratable from Angel.


8 year-old, Blueweather is the most determined girl. Blueweather also knowas from her real name Jamilex Irizarry is releted to Adrain Irizarry and the Leader Aly. She is one of the two Younglings in the clan.


7 year-old, Youngweather is a funny boy. Youngweather's real name is Adrian Irizarry. Adrian is the cousin to the Leader Aly and Jamilex a Youngling. He is the second youngling out of the two.